This change significantly slows down search time and tab browsing time. The page url still shows at the top of your screen, and selecting it copies the link instead of allowing you to modify it. Instead, now you must return to the google search results page and type your query there instead. It takes up more screen space and you are unable to select the url bar to search there like you could before. The new window that pops up when you select a search result is ridiculous. Your feedback helps us create products you'll love. Learn more about what the Google app can do for you:

All searches in the Google app are protected by encrypting the connection between your device and Google.It’s always a tap away from the homescreen. Incognito - Search in Incognito mode whenever you want.Voice Search - Search conveniently and quickly using your voice, no typing needed.Google Lens - Search with your camera, copy and translate text, find similar apparel, identify plants and animals, scan QR codes and more.Choose from 2 widgets, giving you a quick search bar in both sizes, and shortcuts to choose how you Search with Lens, Voice, and Incognito in the medium size widget. Google Search widget - Search from your home screen or lock screen with the new Google widget.

The more you use the Google app, the better it gets. Find quick answers, explore your interests, and stay up to date with Discover.

The Google app keeps you in the know about things that matter to you.

Get fast access to Google Search with the Google home screen widget.